Spring Clean to Improve Indoor Air Quality

Do you have allergies?
Looking for ways to make them more bearable?
Along with warm weather and sunshine, springtime also inevitably brings seasonal allergies. Scientists are saying 2022 could be the worst spring on record for allergy sufferers. Guzi-West frequently assesses indoor air quality issues, and the subject of allergens comes up frequently. Dust sampling for allergens is a common way to assess if various indoor allergens are present in each structure. However, if you prefer to try proactive measures first to see if you can reduce your symptoms, there is a direct relationship between the state of cleaning and air quality in each structure. While you can never make a structure 100% allergen free, doing some spring cleaning now can potentially save you a lot of misery later. Follow these simple steps and spring clean for improved air quality:
- Choose the right cleanser! Mild, dilutable cleansers like Simple Green are preferable for allergen cleaning as they do an excellent job and lack heavy perfumes or scents that can exacerbate allergies. Vinegar is a great glass cleaner that has little impact on the environment or allergies. And always make sure to change your vacuum bag and use clean rags, brushes, or mop heads for your spring cleaning.
- Clean everything! Allergens can reside on almost any surface so it’s important to clean every surface thoroughly. Pay special attention to horizontal surfaces such as windowsills, tops of baseboards and doors, and ceiling fan blades; these areas are easily overlooked. It’s helpful to take a room-by-room approach.
- Clean the floor! Carpeting is a natural collector of allergens and deserves special attention. If professionally cleaning your carpet isn’t an option, consider purchasing a vacuum with a HEPA filter. This will help trap allergens in the filter and not re-deposit them. For hard floors, sweeping and mopping should do the trick.
- Clean, soft goods! Just like carpeting, upholstered items such as couches or easy chairs can also trap allergens. Area rugs, soft toys, quilts, and bedspreads can also harbor dust. Launder or thoroughly vacuum such items and consider professional cleaning for mattresses and large furniture items.
- Don’t stop there! Cleaning the interior of your structure is just the beginning. Window screens collect dust and allergens and should be removed before cleaning. Consider an overall pressure washing of the exterior to remove dust, moss, and other irritants. Clean your rain gutters and sweep any debris off your roof.
- Don’t neglect your A/C! Duct cleaning is always recommended at this time of the year but there’s no better time to have basic maintenance done to your HVAC system. Better to be guaranteed of cool, recirculated air in the summer months than must open a window and subject yourself to heat and allergens!
Indoor Air Quality
If you are still experiencing allergies after cleaning, you may need a more scientific approach. Schedule an inspection with Guzi-West and we can identify the exact allergens present in a structure. We will follow the science to discover the exact problem and assist in finding a solution. Guzi-West can be reached by phone at 888-351-8189 or by email at request@guziwest.com.