Continuous Air Monitoring

Continuous Air Monitoring for Enhanced Indoor Air Quality
Continuous air monitoring is a longer-term monitoring approach, which is both superior scientifically and in relation to the fundamental question of 'is a given structure's indoor air quality truly impacted to a degree of concern, and if so, what are the most likely indoor air pollutant/s affecting a given occupant.' It entails the use of specialized equipment and sensors designed to detect and quantify various pollutants and gases present in the air. This approach provides real-time data on air quality, enabling the identification of trends, sources of pollution, and the assessment of potential health risks.
How It Works:
Guzi-West personnel will temporarily install a minimum of one (1) real time air monitoring device in a structure, or as requested by the client; one (1) monitoring device per 1,000 square feet, or per room. The monitoring device requires a wireless internet connection, will be mounted to a wall, and will upload all data to a cloud server which will be accessed by Guzi-West. The device will be deployed for seven (7) days exactly and must remain plugged in and wirelessly connected to the internet throughout the duration of the monitoring period. The air monitoring device monitors and reports concentrations of the following every fifteen (15) minutes: Ozone (O3), Carbon Monoxide (CO), Particulate Matter (PM 2.5 and PM 10), Nitrogen Oxides (NOx), Sulfur Oxides (SOx), Total Volatile Organic Compounds (tVOC), Relative Humidity (RH), Temperature (T), and Barometric Pressure (BP).
The monitoring device measures and records air concentrations for five (5) of the six (6) criteria air standards established by the EPA and CARB. The six criteria pollutants are carbon monoxide, particulate matter, ozone, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and lead. Interior lead concentrations are typically only a concern in association with lead-based paint and the disturbance of that lead; upon request, Guzi-West can include air, dust, or paint analyses for lead under a separate proposal. It's important to note measuring VOCs also assesses potential mold growth as VOCs are produced when mold is breaking down its food (metabolic process) due to the chemical reactions between the enzymes, substrates, and the resulting mold growth. Guzi-West will specify and graph any exceedances of a given pollutant's primary or secondary standard (whichever is lowest) in a report of findings prepared within seven (7) business days following completion of the agreed upon air monitoring time period.
The use of the continuous air monitoring technology is intentionally utilized as an investigative tool to either find a clear cause of concern for indoor air quality (i.e. elevated carbon monoxide), or provide a direction where focused additional sampling can be performed based upon the information gathered over at least seven (7) consecutive days. For instance, high periodic levels of VOCs could be present due to a variety of different substances and conditions, but the time of day in which VOCs are elevated would likely help isolate potential sources.
In addition to using the continuous air monitor, we can use separate testing devices to analyze for the presence or absence of radon gas. Radon is a naturally-occurring, radioactive gas which is inert, colorless and odorless. Radon is naturally in the atmosphere in trace amounts. Outdoors, radon disperses rapidly and, generally, is not a health issue. However, radon gas can become trapped indoors after it enters buildings through cracks and other holes in the foundation.
Key Features Summarized:
- Investigative Tool: Continuous air monitoring serves as an investigative tool to identify concerns regarding indoor air quality, such as elevated carbon monoxide levels. It can also guide additional focused sampling efforts based on information gathered over a minimum period of seven (7) consecutive days.
- Criteria Air Standards: Our monitoring device measures and records air concentrations for five (5) of the six (6) criteria air pollutants established by the EPA and CARB. These criteria pollutants include carbon monoxide, particulate matter, ozone, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and lead. Additionally, the measurement of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) assesses potential mold growth, as VOCs are produced during the metabolic process of mold.
- Exceedance Reporting: Guzi-West will specify and graph any exceedances of a pollutant's primary or secondary standard (whichever is lower) in a comprehensive report of findings. This report is prepared within seven (7) business days following the completion of the agreed-upon air monitoring period.
- Wireless Connectivity: Our monitoring device requires a wireless internet connection and will be securely mounted to a wall. It uploads all collected data to a cloud server, which is accessible to Guzi-West for analysis.
Data Collection: The air monitoring device continuously and automatically measures and reports concentrations of the following parameters every fifteen (15) minutes:
- Ozone (O3)
- Carbon Monoxide (CO)
- Particulate Matter (PM 2.5 and PM 10)
- Nitrogen Oxides (NOx)
- Sulfur Oxides (SOx)
- Total Volatile Organic Compounds (tVOC)
- Relative Humidity (RH)
- Temperature (T)
- Barometric Pressure (BP)
In our professional opinion, the continuous air monitor approach to investigate indoor air quality is superior both scientifically and financially, as it is more cost-effective than simply coming in and testing for large groups of potential pollutants. It should be noted there is a potential that after completion and review of the seven-day period, additional sampling and analysis may be warranted which could incur additional costs as a result. This is dependent upon the results of the initial monitoring period, and if the client would like to add additional testing specific to a given allergen/gas/pollutant. Should this occur, detailed conversations with the client and Guzi-West would take place, and a separate contract and scope would be established and agreed upon.
Continuous air monitoring plays a vital role in environmental management, public health, and pollution control efforts. By providing real-time and long-term data, it enhances our understanding of air quality dynamics, facilitates the identification of pollution sources, supports early warning systems, and enables the evaluation of the effectiveness of pollution mitigation measures.
For more information on our continuous air monitoring services, please contact us.